Baker Parents Take Part in MindUP Academy

Baker Parents Take Part in MindUP Academy
Posted on 03/20/2023

     Supporting their children’s well-being was the focus for 30 Baker School parents and family members who participated in the school’s four-week MindUP Academy.  Led by Baker’s School Counselor, Laura Brumby, the neuroscience based MindUP program teaches the skills and knowledge children need to regulate their stress and emotions, as well as form positive relationships.  Parents and family members received resources and strategies for finding optimism, building resilience, and creating solutions the entire family can use.

     “We were happy to provide this worthwhile academy for our parents and families,” said Leticia McCorkle, Principal of Baker School.  “MindUP uses evidence-based practices grounded in mindful awareness, positive psychology, and social-emotional learning. Ms. Brumby did an excellent job teaching our participants how to put these techniques into practice for themselves and at home with their children.”

     The group met one day a week for four weeks and participated in activities focused on connecting through mindful moments, naming your feelings, practicing gratitude, and the importance of viewing the world through optimism. 

     “It’s very important to be positive because your brain performs better when you think positive,” said Brumby.  “When you practice positivity, it creates a pathway for neurons and healthy habits that make optimism the norm.  Those with a negative point of view tend to avoid effort because they think they will fail so being optimistic is essential.  You are in control and you choose what makes you happy.” 

     Throughout the four-week academy, the group practiced mindful moments and brain breaks, immersing themselves in the moment by slowing down and really paying attention to sounds, sights and feelings.  They enjoyed mindful eating, looking at the food, noticing its texture, color, and smell, and conjuring up memories.

     “I learned that taking the time to be present in activities with our children and slowing down and really listening to sounds and noticing what we see and feel is very important,” said Jessica Jaramillo, parent.   

 “During the mindful eating a beautiful memory of my grandma came to my mind and how she made homemade tortillas and always prepared a small burrito for me.  My mouth even started watering,” she said.

     “I enjoyed the class very much,” said Rosa Buiza, mom to a 6th grader.  “It was good because it helped us to recognize how our child feels and how to help them with their feelings. Each week I would practice what I learned in class with my child at home.”

      At the conclusion of the last class, certificates of completion were presented to participants who attended all four weeks of the academy.

     “Thank you for participating in our MindUP Academy,” said McCorkle.   “You learned ways to master and control your mind and you can pass the techniques you’ve learned on to your children. For those of you who attended all four sessions you are invited to join us for a family field trip to Descanso Gardens on March 20 where we will take part in mindful activities.”

  • Magnolia Learning Center