Cogswell Students Increase Test Scores - Principal Gets Dunked

Cogswell Students Increase Test Scores - Principal Gets Dunked
     “If test scores go up, Mr. Yepez goes down.” This statement, made last year by Cogswell Elementary principal, Gerardo Yepez became a reality today as he climbed in a dunk tank as students, staff members and parents took turns at hitting the bullseye, plunging him into the water.
     The good-natured principal made a promise to the students last year that if their Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test scores went up, he would go down in a dunk tank. The Cogswell scholars did just that and increased their state assessment scores in Math and English Language Arts resulting in their beloved principal spending the day in a dunk tank.
     “I am so proud of our students for working hard and increasing our test scores,” said Yepez. “I’m happy to fulfill my promise and sit in this dunk tank,” said Yepez, as his shirt, tie, pants and shoes dripped from repeated dunks into the tank.
     Joining in on the dunking were staff members who were just as eager as the students to drop Yepez in the water.
     “The daily efforts of our teachers and support staff are tremendous and enable our students to achieve and succeed,” said Yepez.
      “So, since they played a key role in supporting our students with their testing I had to let them take a shot at dunking me too.”
The increase in scores included a 4.25% growth in Math and a growth of 2% in English Language Arts.
     “It was fun making Mr. Yepez fall in the water,” said a very happy 1st grader, who along with three of his classmates and his teacher successful dunked their principal. “He has all his clothes on and he’s really wet. It’s so funny.”
     Cogswell’s students hope to repeat their success and increase their scores again this year and they look forward to what Mr. Yepez will promise to do if they meet this challenge.
  • Magnolia Learning Center