Parents Complete Disciplina Positiva Program

Parents Complete Disciplina Positiva Program

     MVSD recently celebrated the achievements many participants who took part in the six-week Disciplina Positiva workshop at Kranz Intermediate School. 

     Over 100 parents from schools throughout MVSD, as well as the Migrant Education Program, local high schools and neighboring schools participated in the program, hosted by Kranz Intermediate School.  The parents learned strategies for promoting the development of social, emotional and life skills in their children.  The weekly workshops, led by certified Positive Discipline Educators, empowered the parents with effective and positive tools to raise responsible and motivated children and teens with positive long term results in families, schools and communities. 

      Disciplina Positiva focuses on developing capable children raised through love, dignity and respect.  Over the six weeks, the workshops included topics like Empowering vs. Enabling, The Positive Approach, Family Meetings, Routines and Fulfilling Their Inner Needs.  The participants were grateful to Kranz and the Mountain View School District for providing such a great workshop and expressed their appreciation to the Positive Discipline Educators for their outstanding guidance.

      “Thank you to Ms. French, our superintendent, for bringing this program to our schools,” said Martha Carrera, MVSD parent.  “I’ve been in this district for a lot of years and I’m pleased to see so many great programs provided for parents over the past few years.”

       Participants received certificates from Disciplina Positiva founders, Tony and Lisseth Orozco, positive discipline educator, Iliana Martinez, Kranz principal, Sean Grycel and Kranz community liaison, Miguel Caishpal.

     “I am so pleased to see so many parents from different schools including elementary, intermediate and high school levels,” said Grycel.  “It is important to keep the continuity through your child’s educational years and for you to see the transition from elementary to middle and intermediate school.  Thank you for taking the time and committing to the six weeks.  Be sure to practice what you’ve learned at home with your children.  Congratulations to each of you on this great accomplishment.”

  • Magnolia Learning Center