Volunteers Honored at Recognition Event

Volunteers Honored at Recognition Event

    Mountain View School District’s annual volunteer recognition celebration honored volunteers from throughout the District who have contributed 200+ hours to their schools and District programs. 

     The Masquerade themed celebration included elegant decorations created by the school and district community liaisons, certificates of appreciation, refreshments and entertainment. 

       Board of Education members and District administrators were on hand to thank and congratulate the volunteers for their outstanding service.

     “It is with great pride that we honor you for all that you do for our schools to support our students and staff,” said Lillian Maldonado French, Superintendent.  “Your many hours of volunteerism are greatly appreciated and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all that you do.” 

     Extending their appreciation on behalf of the Board of Education were Adam Carranza and Jacqueline Saldaña. 

     “We see what you do each day at our schools to make them special,” said Carranza.  “Through your volunteering and partnership, you bring a special touch to our schools and we thank you for that,” he added.

      “This is one of our favorite events because we are able to honor you and show our gratitude for the time and effort you shared with our schools and District,” said Saldaña.  “Thank you for playing an essential role in another successful school year, and if your children are promoting from 8th grade and moving on to high school, remember you are always part of the Mountain View family and always welcome in our District.”

     The volunteers enjoyed a wonderful performance by the Parkview Conga Kids Dancers who showed off their outstanding ballroom dancing skills. 

      Administrators from each of the schools, the Head Start program and District CABE program acknowledged their volunteers and shared words of appreciation and gratitude for their service.

     “We are so grateful for our wonderful volunteers who do so much to support our students and school,” said Glenda Giron, Monte Vista School principal.  “Throughout the year you have demonstrated high levels of quality, commitment and innovation and we appreciate you very much.”

     Sean Grycel, principal of Kranz Intermediate School thanked the Kranz volunteers for being such a positive presence on campus. 

      “Your time and dedication to serve our school has enhanced our school and you have been great role models of service for your children and our students.  I encourage the elementary school volunteers to continue to stay involved and volunteer at the middle and intermediate schools when your children move on,” he said.

       MVSD’s volunteers provide tremendous support to the schools through assistance in classrooms, playground supervision, field trip supervision, office assistance, decorating for special events, fund raising, and participation on district and school site committees.  They also provide valuable input for the development of the District’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).  They are an integral part of the Mountain View team and contribute greatly to the success of the District.

      Concluding the celebration, Angelica Sifuentes-Donoso, Director of Family Engagement and Extended Learning, expressed her appreciation to the volunteers.

         “Congratulations to all of you and thank you for the important work you do. Your support and assistance is vital to our schools and we appreciate your efforts immensely,” said Sifuentes-Donoso.  “Your partnership in the education of our students is what makes our District so great.  Your involvement shows your children that you care and value their education.  We are happy celebrate your commitment and dedication and are extremely grateful for your service,” she added.


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