Promotion Ceremonies Celebrate Students

Promotion Ceremonies Celebrate Students

     Schools within the Mountain View School District were packed with family members clutching balloons, flowers and signs for students promoting from 8th grade from Kranz Intermediate School, Madrid Middle School and Monte Vista School, as well as 5th and 6th graders promoting from the District’s elementary schools.

    The three 8th grade promotion ceremonies included motivational speeches from each school’s valedictorians and students of the year, as well as addresses from school administrators, teachers, school board members and district administrators who honored the students for their academic achievements and encouraged them to continue to work hard, surround themselves with good people, embrace challenges, put their best effort forward, find their voice, and persevere as they move on to high school and continue their education. Addressing the promoting classes, the principals expressed their appreciation to the students for their dedicated efforts, and to the staff and families for their support and encouragement which helped the scholars reach this point in their educational journey. 

      Kranz Intermediate School was proud to have 10 Valedictorians including Miki Lam, Estrella Gutierrez, Alma Cordova, Yen (Amber) Phan, Anyi Gao, Jessica Najera, Ruby Saldivar, Elbert Lin, Jade Lozano and Kaylee San.   Madrid Middle School’s Valedictorians were Amy Lee and Karina Mora, and representing Monte Vista as Students of the Year were Dylan Williams and Alexa Cardenas.  Each of the student speakers thanked their teachers, administrators and classmates for making their years at Kranz, Madrid and Monte Vista so memorable and expressed their gratitude to their parents and families for their support. They reminisced about their time at the schools, the knowledge they gained, activities they were involved in, as well as the memories they shared as classmates.  They all encouraged their peers to continue to work hard and reach for their dreams.   

“In the Mountain View School District we are proud to provide our students with a strong educational foundation which has prepared them well for their future school years,” said Lillian Maldonado French, Superintendent.    “During their years in MVSD our students have risen to the challenge of high expectations and I know our promoting 8th graders will continue to strive for excellence as they move on to high school.  Their potential is limitless and our entire Mountain View family wishes them all the best.”

  • Magnolia Learning Center