PE Teachers Keep Students Moving

PE Teachers Keep Students Moving

   As most of our daily movement is restricted during the coronavirus pandemic, and students are not able to participate in their regular school physical education (PE) classes and recess activities, the Mountain View School District (MVSD) has incorporated physical education as part of its Distance Learning offerings.  The District’s PE teachers are providing exercise videos that students of all grade levels, as well as their families can access remotely while safe at home.    

   Exercise is more important than ever and can have a huge impact on mental health by easing stress, anxiety and depression that many may be feeling due to the uncertain times of the pandemic.

         MVSD’s PE teachers Jorge Jimenez, Jose Nunez, Rose McGrath, Lauren Harrington, John Bustamante, Juan Mejia, Shawn Sowder, Paul Casado, David Sandoval and Michael Letzeiser created the remote videos which include yoga, cross fit, stretching, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), motor skills, sports, Zumba, cardio, and more.   The teachers have also shared fun in-home and backyard games utilizing items students have at home to promote being active such as a balloon race and family football follies.

     “Our PE teachers have done an excellent job providing virtual videos for our students,” said Ray Andry, MVSD’s Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services. “As our students work hard on their academics remotely from home, inserting breaks to move and exercise into their day is very important.  If they were at school their day would be broken up by recess, playing on the playground and other physical activity so it’s important that they take movement breaks from their schoolwork and our PE videos are a great way to do that.”

  • Magnolia Learning Center