100th Day of School Celebrated

100th Day of School Celebrated

Students in MVSD are 100 days smarter as they celebrated reaching the 100th day of the 2020-2021 school year on January 29.  Although they were not able to celebrate in person, they gathered virtually during distance learning to mark this special school year milestone.  Teachers incorporated fun activities during their virtual lessons that emphasized the number 100 including counting 100 items such as pennies, paper clips and beans, dressing up as 100-year-olds, designing and wearing hats commemorating the 100th day, writing about what they’ve learned in the 100 days and creating posters.

     Everyone was very excited to reach this scholastic milestone and are proud of the tremendous perseverance, dedication and learning that has taken place during the past 100 days of this very different and challenging school year.

     “We are so very proud of our students for their resiliency and adapting to distance learning,” said Martha Chirinos, Twin Lakes Elementary’s school counselor.  “They have worked so hard and learned so much during the past 100 days and I know will continue to put forth great effort as we continue the school year.”

     To recognize the students for their achievements, Chirinos popped in the Zoom sessions to surprise several classes with a 100th day of school dance party.  The counselor, teachers, students and family members were all happy to get up and dance for a few minutes as they observed the special day.

     As they reflected on all they’ve learned over the past 100 instructional days, 1st and 2nd graders in Rossana Gonzalez’s class were happy to share that they learned to read better, learned more math skills like Math Mountain, how to regroup, new vocabulary words and a lot about technology and how to do distance learning.

     Transitional Kindergarten students in Payne School’s Dual Immersion Program showed up to their Zoom class dressed up as wonderful 100-year-olds as they incorporated math and other lessons around the 100 theme.

     Principal, Michelle Torres held a read-aloud with 6th graders at Twin Lakes, reading the book 100th Day Worries by Margery Cuyler. At Maxson School, Susan Razook’s class practiced counting to 100 by 5’s.

  Overall, it was a fun day reflecting on the amazing creativity and dedication of the District’s teachers as they shifted their instruction from in-person to distance learning, and celebrating the incredible students and the amount of learning that took place virtually over the last 100 days!

  • Magnolia Learning Center