After School Mandarin Language Academy

After School Mandarin Language Academy
Posted on 02/15/2023

The Mountain View School District is excited to continue supporting the growth and development of multilingual students through its partnership with Cultural Bytes Interactive Language Program, providing afterschool language academies at all school sites. 

     Over 300 students in Kindergarten through 8th grade are participating in the six-week Mandarin Language Academy at their school.  The academy meets twice a week for 90 minutes with students exploring Mandarin in a fun, interactive and enriching learning environment.  Through interactive, highly academic, cultural and fun enrichment, students engage in language immersion as they learn how to read, write, and speak the Mandarin language.  The Instructors are native language speakers and use song, art, and games to help students feel comfortable and engaged.

     “We are happy to provide this additional after school enrichment for our students,” said Priscilla Figueroa, Director of Family Engagement, Extended Learning and Migrant Education. “The interactive program helps students build confidence and develop vocabulary as they explore culturally relevant material using games, activities and books.  They are not only learning the Mandarin language but they are learning about the Mandarin culture as well. The students really have fun completing the interactive and engaging lessons.”

      MVSD has partnered with Cultural Bytes for the past few years providing Saturday language academies in both Mandarin and Spanish for students. This is the first year the academies have been part of the District’s after school enrichment offerings.  

    “There are many benefits to learning another language,” said Figueroa.  “In addition to increased creative thinking and better problem-solving, studies have proven that learning another language improves memory and test-taking abilities that transfer into all other areas of studying. Plus, the students are improving their cultural awareness.”

       “I like how they teach us new stuff and we learn about the culture by doing crafts and art,” said Emmanuel, a 6th grader from Parkview.  “It’s fun learning Mandarin and it’s not that hard to speak it.”

       Parents throughout the District appreciate the language enrichment that is available to students.

     “I’m grateful my son is able to learn Mandarin in the language academy,” said Selene Miranda, parent.  “He enjoys going to the class and learning an additional language.  He’s also teaching me as he practices at home.  Multilingualism is very important and I appreciate the District providing this opportunity for our children.”

    MVSD is committed to providing opportunities for students to build their bilingual and multilingual skills and offers a Spanish Dual Immersion Program at Payne School and Parkview School, and a Mandarin Enrichment Program at Twin Lakes School.  The dual language programs foster bilingualism, biliteracy, and cross-cultural awareness, and offer students the exciting opportunity of being bilingual and bi-literate and becoming academically successful in both English and Spanish or English and Mandarin.

  • Magnolia Learning Center