August 19 Marks the Start of the School Year

August 19 Marks the Start of the School Year

     Mountain View School District is excited to fully reopen its school campuses and welcome students back on Thursday, August 19 for the start of the 2021-2022 school year.
     “As a district, we remain steadfast to our mission of inspiring all students to succeed every day,” said Dr. Lillian Maldonado French, Superintendent.  “Our dedicated Mt. View team, eight schools and Children’s Center/Head Start program are strongly committed to supporting the academic, social and emotional growth and achievement of all students, ensuring they have the supports they need to keep moving forward.”   
   As the school year begins, remaining at the forefront is the health and safety of students and staff throughout the District.  After a unique 2020-21 school year that brought many challenges, MVSD continues to take great measures to keep students and employees safe and prevent the spread of COVID-19. 
  “Our schools and classrooms are equipped with filtration devices and upgraded ventilation systems and additional hand washing and hand sanitation stations are placed around each campus.  Cleaning and disinfecting protocols are in place, as well as effective contact tracing and quarantining processes. Additionally, each classroom is supplied with cleaning sprays, sanitation wipes, masks, and hand sanitizer designed especially for children, and we will continue to adhere and adapt to safety guidance coming forth from the state and county health agencies,” said Darin De Knikker, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services.    
   The District’s transition back to in-person learning began in late April of 2021 when students were welcomed back in a hybrid format for the final weeks of the 2020-2021 school year.  This summer MVSD safely and successfully provided in-person summer programs for over 1,000 students in two, four-week sessions. 
   “Schools are the best place for students to learn and succeed, and we look forward to having our students in a physical classroom for the 2021-2022 school year, where they can make connections with their teachers and peers and build a sense of community with engaging, hands-on and collaborative interactions,” said Dr. French. 
  In compliance with AB 130, passed by the State of California in July, MVSD is also offering the Mountain View Independent Study Virtual Academy as an instructional option for families who wish to have a non, in-person learning alternative for their student. 

  • Magnolia Learning Center