Completion of Measure SS Bond Project at Payne School Celebrated

Completion of Measure SS Bond Project at Payne School Celebrated

     The Mountain View School District Board of Education and administrators hosted a special ribbon cutting ceremony at Payne Elementary School to signify the completion of the District’s first bond project funded by Measure SS, a school facilities bond passed by voters last November.   

      The bond project, a massive underground infrastructure project at Payne School included the installation of new water, electrical and sewer lines. The innovative work, all done underground, comprises an infrastructure that will last decades, as well as a sustainable and environmentally friendly catch basin in the field area for rain water runoff.   

       MVSD Superintendent, Lillian Maldonado French expressed her appreciation to DC Architects, Maria-Elena Romero Consulting Inc., The Nazerian Group, MVSD’s Maintenance and Custodial staff, led by Director Jeff Truschel, Payne School’s administrators, teachers, classified staff, parents and students, the Board of Education, Darin DeKnikker, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services and District administrators for the teamwork in making the project a success, and enhancing the learning environment for Payne’s students.

         “We are very excited to show off the beautiful new asphalt and concrete that you see which are part of the project because all of the intensive work that was done is underground and covered up,” said French.  “Payne is our oldest school and we are thrilled through this bond project to now have clean water, better electrical, better data service and a solid and safe infrastructure for everyone on campus.”

          Leading the project for MVSD was Darin DeKnikker, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services who once served as principal of Payne School.

        “To see the infrastructure fixed at Payne is very fulfilling,” said DeKnikker.  “The work that was completed not only solves several issues we’ve had at the school for years, but also provides support for the future.  I’m very excited for the students, and grateful we were able to improve their learning environment.”

        Several Payne students were on hand to witness the ribbon cutting and MVSD Board of Education president, Adam Carranza addressed them.

       “This community cares deeply about you and your future and wanted to invest in your school,” said Carranza.  “We wanted to ensure your school is working efficiently and is a safe place to learn and the work done this summer has provided that.”

        Along with the students and staff, Payne’s parents are happy with the improvements made through the bond project.

       “It’s a good thing that this happened at Payne,” said Maria Angulo, sixth grade parent.  “It is a welcome change and will help the students.”

         For anyone driving by Payne School during the summer they saw huge trenches, large piles of dirt, upended concrete and asphalt and probably wondered how the school would be put back together by the first day of school on August 21.  But it was, thanks to the tremendous team effort.  The Payne staff is commended for their flexibility and patience as the final pieces were pulled together to complete the project.

         Approximately 600 students are housed on the Payne campus including Headstart preschool students and Magnolia Learning Center students who all will benefit from the infrastructure improvements.

        “This is a welcome upgrade for our school,” said Dr. Hugo Moreno, principal.  “We were glad to be the first school in the District to undergo a bond project and the new electrical, plumbing and everything will make a huge difference on our campus.  It certainly improves the quality of life for our students and we are very grateful.”


  • Magnolia Learning Center