MVSD to Reopen Schools April 26

MVSD to Reopen Schools April 26
     The Mountain View School District will be reopening its schools in a hybrid format beginning April 26 for students in Preschool and Transitional Kindergarten through 2nd grade and May 3 for students in 3rd through 8th grade.  The reopening of the District’s 12 campuses prioritizes the health and safety of students and employees.      
     “We have been preparing diligently for the safe return of students to our campuses and we are looking forward to welcoming them back and providing academic instruction, creative enrichment, physical education activities and social emotional support,” said Lillian Maldonado French, Superintendent.  “We are very excited about starting in-person hybrid groups at our schools in a few weeks.”
       The Board of Education approved the reopening plan at its April 1 meeting.  The return to campus model is a hybrid format incorporating the District’s existing distance learning synchronous instruction with students continuing to receive live instruction from their teacher in the morning for their core subjects of ELD, Language Arts, Math, and Science/Social Science from home. Students whose families opt for in-person learning will come on campus in the afternoon and be provided with activities focused on social-emotional learning, diagnostics & interventions, art, physical education, and other in-person learning supports. Students will also have the option to remain in full distance learning.        
     Keeping students and staff safe is the top priority as MVSD reopens schools. On- campus school will look much different due to new health and safety measures including wearing face masks, wellness screenings, and social distancing.  Additional safety equipment including mobile hand washing stations and hand sanitizer stations are placed around the campuses and directional arrows and markers have been positioned throughout each campus to indicate traffic flow and six feet of distance.           
    The District, schools, and staff have worked tirelessly to establish safe reopening plans that adhere to all local and State requirements. Filtration devices and upgraded ventilation systems have been added in all classrooms and schools, enhanced cleaning and disinfecting protocols have been implemented, physical distancing and mask requirements are established, and effective contact tracing and quarantining processes are in place.   Additionally, MVSD partnered with City of Hope to provide District employees with access to COVID-19 vaccinations.                  Inside the classrooms and learning spaces, student desks, each equipped with a plexi-glass shield, are placed 3’ to 6’ apart as recommended by the CDC.  The District has supplied each classroom with cleaning sprays, sanitation wipes, masks, and hand sanitizer designed especially for children.      
     “We realize that coming to school in-person may create feelings of excitement or nervousness for our students and families and we are here to support them every step of the way,” said French. “We want to make this transition back to campus as easy as possible for our entire Mt. View family and we will be focusing heavily on social-emotional wellness when we return back to our campuses,” she added.               
     The District’s child care program with Think Together has been successfully providing support to two cohorts of 10 students on each campus since January and will continue to operate at the schools.  The Child Care program enables students needing assistance with Wi-Fi connectivity to complete their distance learning with support from Think Together staff.       
     “We are extremely proud of the extraordinary efforts of our teachers, classified staff, administrators and support personnel this past year,” said French.  “They have worked diligently to provide instruction and support to our students, families and community in the face of completely unprecedented obstacles.  As LA County progresses into the State’s orange tier it provides a sense of hopefulness and throughout the District we will remain steadfast in our efforts to continue to follow CDC and public health guidelines to ensure our schools stay safe and stay open.”   
  • Magnolia Learning Center