Madrid Art Students Awarded in Water District Contest

Madrid Art Students Awarded in Water District Contest

     Two students from Madrid Middle School have earned recognition for their artistic abilities in the Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District’s annual “Water is Life” art contest The colorful posters of two students in teacher, Sue Parszik’s art class were selected winners in the annual contest which is open to students throughout the San Gabriel Valley.
     Bianca Villeda was named a 3rd place winner and Nikki Ma placed 4th in the 6th-8th grade category. Both girls received a cash award and commemorative “Water is Life” t-shirt. They will also be honored at an upcoming Water District Board Meeting. The young artists were happy to design a poster depicting the importance of water conservation and protection and hope through their art they inspire others to do their part to take care of this important resource.
     Congratulations to these talented artists and Mrs. Parszik for inspiring their creativity.

  • Magnolia Learning Center