Maxson First Graders Get Free Books

Maxson First Graders Get Free Books

     Maxson Elementary School first graders were treated to a Reading Party thanks to the non-profit organization, First Book and its partner, Disney.  The Reading Party, themed after the Disney movie Coco, included amazing decorations and storytelling by Disney employees who dressed as characters from the movie.  The students, a few also dressed as characters from Coco, sat attentively listening to the stories and enthusiastically asked questions and shared their thoughts.

      In addition to the fun storytelling, every first grader was presented with three free books to take home. 

Maxson first grade teacher, Deanna DeCamp signed up for the Reading Party through First Book and the organization, through its partnership with Disney, generously provided books for every first grader at the school. 

      “We are so excited to have this Reading Party for our students,” said DeCamp.  “Normally, the Reading Party and free books are only for one class but I asked if our other two classes could be included and First Book was so generous and provided books for all of our first graders. We are very grateful to First Book and Disney for this wonderful event and the gift of books.”

        Mrs. DeCamp also received a $250 gift card to use at the First Book online store for books and resources for her classroom. 

      “Our students love having visitors come and read to them,” said DeCamp.  “This Coco themed reading party with the characters Miguel and Tía Victoria is wonderful, and the three beautiful Disney books each student received will help them build a mini library at home.”

     Maxson’s first graders were thrilled with their new books and had a great time at the Reading Party.

  • Magnolia Learning Center