Rio Hondo Saturday Bootcamp

Rio Hondo Saturday Bootcamp
Posted on 02/02/2022

MVSD, in partnership with Rio Hondo Community College, is providing sixth through eighth grade students the opportunity to explore the college’s Career and Technical Education programs through a four-week Saturday Bootcamp.  The bootcamp, led by Rio Hondo College staff, is held at Payne School from 8 am to 12 pm.

Students selected from three bootcamp options including First Aid, MapCraft – Geographic Information Systems and Drones, and Bionic Projects. 

Students in the First Aid bootcamp are learning basic first aid and CPR through hands-on activities teaching them how to recognize signs of an emergency, and how to properly respond by providing first aid care.  Utilizing CPR training manikins, students will become proficient in evaluating an injured or ill person, the basics of CPR, bandaging, first aid for choking and the proper use of a tourniquet. 

In addition to the excitement of flying drones, the MapCraft – Geographic Information Systems and Drones bootcamp is engaging students in a variety of interactive and hands-on activities.  Students are discovering how maps guide us across the globe and around the neighborhood.  Through observation and the collection of data about our world, students will create three-dimensional maps for others to use and follow. 

The Bionics bootcamp emphasizes creativity, innovation and problem-solving as students work in teams to assemble and program bionic inspired projects. 

“We are very excited to offer these outstanding enrichment programs to our students,” said George Schonborn, Director of Pupil Personnel Services.  “We are grateful for our partnership with Rio Hondo College which enables our students to explore a variety of college programs and careers, and engage in instruction in technology, science, math, and engineering.” 

  • Magnolia Learning Center