Students Celebrate Kindness -Support Unity Day

Students Celebrate Kindness -Support Unity Day

     Celebrating kindness and taking a stand against bullying, schools in the Mountain View School District joined Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center (NBPC) to celebrate Unity Day on October 23. 

      Themed “Together against bullying. UNITED for kindness, acceptance and inclusion” Unity Day encourages everyone to come together in a powerful message that bullying should never be part of childhood and highlights the importance of physical and emotional health.    

     Students and staff at Twin Lakes School, proudly wearing orange in support of Unity Day, took part in the Ned’s Kindness Adventure assembly and Monte Vista students and staff participated in the anti-bullying assembly, The Power of One. 

       Ned’s Kindness Adventure assembly encouraged kindness and reinforced the importance of including others, being caring, that kindness is a tool that can change the world and a smile is a super power.

       Monte Vista’s The Power of One assembly featured skits to portray what bullying is, what can be done about it, and how every child has the power of one - the power to report and deal with bullying when they see it by being an upstander not a bystander.

      Joining together against bullying and united for kindness, acceptance and inclusion, students were proud to send the message that every child deserves to feel safe from bullying while at school, online or in the community.

  • Magnolia Learning Center