Superintendent's Student Advisory Council

Superintendent's Student Advisory Council
Posted on 01/13/2023

     Mountain View School District’s Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council (SSAC) is MVSD’s very own coalition of fifth through eighth grade students from schools throughout the District. The SSAC is a unique engagement and leadership opportunity for the 20 student members, enabling them to engage in discussions with Dr. Raymond Andry, District Superintendent, as well as each other to support the District’s vision, mission, goals, and core values and generate ideas for improving programs and systems within the schools and school district.

     “I created the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council because I want to include our students’ voices in our planning and programming,” said Dr. Andry.  “They are the reason we are all here and having their insight and input in areas that impact academic performance, learning environment, involvement in activities, and overall experience at our schools will be very beneficial.”

     Dr. Andry held his first meeting with the SSAC in December where students engaged in team and relationship building activities, learned about the District's organizational structure, toured the District Office, and started a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis - completing strengths and areas of needed improvement at their schools.

     “It was wonderful to meet with the students who greatly impressed me with their articulation and desire to help and support their schools and fellow students,” said Dr. Andry. 

     “I enjoyed hearing their perspectives on what’s going well and what could be improved at their schools.  As they listed what was going well, each of them expressed that their teachers and staff at their schools support their learning and help them do well.  They did an excellent job representing their schools and peers and I’m looking forward to working with the group and including their voices as we plan programs and continue to move MVSD forward,” he added.

     Along with the many benefits the SSAC provides to the District, the student members also benefit from opportunities to practice leadership, creative thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making and get to make new friends along the way.

     “I’m excited to serve on the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council because I love coming up with new ideas and I want to help my school,” said Ashley Diaz, sixth grader from Baker School. “I really enjoyed our first meeting and I know our work will help the students at all the schools.”

     Kevin Vasquez, a fifth grader from Maxson School wanted to serve on the council because he’s a good leader and a good problem solver.

     “I had never been to the District Office before and I had a great time at our first meeting,” he said.  “I think it’s a good idea to bring kids together from all the schools so we can work together and come up with ideas to make our schools even better.”

     Payne sixth grader, Alliyah Soto Rivera enjoyed participating in the first SSAC meeting and appreciates that students have the opportunity to provide ideas and suggestions.

      “I think it’s great that Dr. Andry created this council and I wanted to be on it because us as kids should be able to make some decisions about our education and schools and not only adults.”

     After a morning of sharing feedback, experiences, and perspectives on a variety of issues taking place in their schools the students enjoyed a pizza lunch before heading back to their schools.  The Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council will meet three more times this school year, in February, April and June.

  • Magnolia Learning Center