Virtual Ceremonies Celebrate Promoting Students

Virtual Ceremonies Celebrate Promoting Students
    Although in person ceremonies were not able to be held due to the physical school closures, schools in the Mountain View School District were proud to honor the achievements and mark the educational milestone of students promoting from 5 th , 6 th and 8 th grade with virtual promotion ceremonies.
     The virtual celebratory videos recognized the promoting elementary students from Cogswell, La Primaria, Maxson, Miramonte, Payne and Parkview schools and the promoting 8th graders from Madrid Middle School, Monte Vista School and Kranz Intermediate School.
     Inspiring and motivational speeches from Valedictorians, Salutatorians, Students’ of the Year, Board Members, Superintendent Maldonado-French and Administrators highlighted the virtual ceremonies.   
     “The fact that we can’t hold a traditional in person ceremony doesn’t take away from how proud we are of you and all you have accomplished. It’s been a very different past few months but you made it through and reached this milestone,” said Jacqueline Saldana, Board of Education president. “We celebrate virtually from our homes because our priority will always be your health and safety. On behalf of the Board of Education I wish you all the best as you move on in your educational journey.”
     The promoting students in the class of 2020 were honored for their achievements, perseverance and resilience as they overcame the many challenges and disappointments resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and school campus closures.  They are wished continued success as they move on to intermediate school and high school and continue their education.   The young scholars
were encouraged to embrace challenges, put their best effort forward and persevere as they reach for their dreams.
  • Magnolia Learning Center