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ELA, Content Literacy & EL Programs

English Language Arts, Content Literacy & English Learner Programs

The English Language Arts, Content Literacy & English Learner Programs Department is aided by:

Alejandra Urias, Secretary II/District Translator
(626) 652-4968

English Language Arts – Vision for Language Arts Students

The goal for all of our MVSD students is to create thoughtful, analytical readers and writers. In addition to utilizing state-adopted textbooks, teachers use their knowledge of student engagement, higher-order thinking, and effective instructional practices to enhance learning for all.

Our students are provided with high-quality, culturally responsive instruction and a rigorous curriculum that meets the needs of our diverse learners.  Using California Content Standards, teachers focus on pairing literature with informational text and integrate speaking and listening standards and writing standards into daily learning experiences.

Mountain View Students Working in a Team

  • Wonders is a comprehensive English Reading/Language Arts program from McGraw-Hill used in our TK-6th grade classrooms.

    Maravillas is the Spanish parallel program to Wonders used in our Dual Immersion Spanish classrooms TK-6th grade.

  • StudySync engages our 7th-8th grade students with rich learning experiences and real-world topics while giving teachers flexible digital tools and engaging print resources to support teaching, differentiation, and standards-based learning.

  • California Content Standards ELA – California Common Core State Standards

  • CAASPP Starting Smarter for Families provides you with the resources and information to help you use your child’s CAASPP score report to understand the areas where your child is excelling and where they can improve.

English Learner Programs – Vision for English Learners

The goal for all of our MVSD English Learners is to ensure equal educational access for all English Learners and their families.

English language learners will receive the support they need to understand, speak, read, and write English fluently and competently in order to succeed academically and socially in their classrooms, schools, and community and be provided with the opportunity to excel in high school, college, and beyond.

Students joining hands and having fun in the classroom.

MVSD Dual Immersion (DI) Programs

The MVSD DI program offers students the opportunity to learn Spanish and English in a language immersion environment.  Students who participate in the Dual Language Immersion program from Kinder through 8th grade become bi-literate and develop an appreciation of other cultures through an embedded multicultural curriculum.  

Parkview School and Payne Elementary offer a 90:10 Spanish and English Dual Immersion program that extends to 7th and 8th grades at Parkview School. The program prepares students with the skills needed to be college and career ready beyond their learning in Mountain View. 

Intervention Programs – Vision for Students

Our vision is to empower every student with the desire and ability to learn when they are given the tools and support to succeed. Every student will participate and contribute to the ongoing progress of becoming successful lifelong learners of our school community and future world citizens.

Students working in team in classroom center.

  • The goal of the MVSD intervention program is to work with our at-promise students in order to fill the academic gaps that occurred due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Our team of eight teachers has over 230 years of teaching experience between them. Their program is grounded in the Science of Reading.

    The teachers focus on Phonemic Awareness and Phonics skills needed to blend words in order to be able to read and write. Students are placed into groups based on their assets. Students start with the syllable-type lessons where they would have the greatest success.

  • UFLI Foundations, an explicit and systematic program that teaches students the foundational skills necessary for proficient reading.

    It follows a carefully developed scope and sequence designed to ensure that students systematically acquire each skill needed and learn to apply each skill with automaticity and confidence.”

  • “El próximo paso al éxito is a phonics program that offers structured, systematic instruction for students learning to read in Spanish.

    Students acquire phonological awareness and phonics skills so that they can decode and read syllables, words, high-frequency words, and decodable text with automaticity.

    Students are taught strategies to improve reading fluency and comprehension.”

  • The goal of the MVSD intervention program is to work with our at-promise students in order to fill the academic gaps that occurred due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

    Our team of seven teachers has over 195 years of teaching experience between them. Their program’s focus is to support the students by building their foundational math skills in order to access the core curriculum. 

    Irvine Math Project - UCI School of Education

    “The Irvine Math Project partners with local schools and districts to design hands-on, research-based professional development, standards-based curriculum guides, and unit plans aligned to the Common Core for K-12 mathematics teachers.

    The Irvine Math Project provides a different approach to mathematics instruction in a broad range of schools & districts in San Diego, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Los Angeles counties.

    The Irvine Math Project team is comprised of classroom practitioners, math content experts, and math education researchers.”

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