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Phases of the New Teacher

New Teacher Guide - Phases of the New Teacher


New Teacher Guide - Phases of the New Teacher


This phase begins during student teaching and teacher preparations. New teachers enter the profession with commitment and an idealistic view of how their goals will be accomplished. This feeling of excitement often carries the new teachers through their first few weeks of teaching. New teacher should visit as many classrooms as possible. Talk to mentor teachers, team members and administrator. There is a plethora of new teacher books on the market that have great ideas and survival techniques. The mountain view school district personnel office has many of the books available for loan.

Your first month may be overwhelming. As a new teacher, you are constantly learning at a rapid pace. New teachers are instantly bombarded with unanticipated challenges and situations. Behavioral and classroom management issues, new curriculum, new teacher induction programs, paperwork can be a daunting task. Don’t hesitate to seek out support for time management and organizational strategies. Borrow lessons from colleagues, when appropriate. Planning is a key to stress reduction.

After about two months of nonstop work and stress of varied length and intensity, new teachers can become disillusioned. Low morale, extensive time commitment, the realization that things are not proceeding as smoothly as you dreamed will create a sense of disillusionment. New teacher might questions their commitment or ability and many become ill. In this phase, new teachers might express self-doubt, have lower self-esteem, face complaints from family and friends and question their career choice. At this time new teachers should double check their procedures and routines. Basic math lessons from the textbook will work well. They should do something nice for themselves. Remember to take time to just breathe. Taking care of themselves is a major priority and will prevent illness.

Around the first of the year or following winter break, the new teachers’ attitude toward teaching is characterized by hopefulness. The break offers an opportunity to relax, reflect, organize materials and plan curriculum. Teachers often return with a new perspective and with a better understanding of the system. They are more realistic and accepting of their teaching abilities. Now teachers feel more confident about their management skills and are bonding with their students. This is a time to review long term plans and year end expectations. Also this is a time to determine what is expected for testing and end of the year activities.

This phase occurs during the last weeks of school. Reflecting back, the new teacher can highlight successful events, and review changes to be made the following year in management, curriculum and teaching strategies. The end is in sight. During this phase the new teachers should review their successes and challenges. Write it down in order to benefit from the new insights and create better lessons.

Remember to be kind to yourself. Rely on mentors, team members and administrative assistance to get your started. We hope this handbook helps you as you enter a complex and rewarding career as an educator.