Stacey DeKnikker
Director – Student Support Services & Special Education
Phone: (626) 652-4987
Fax: (626) 602-3813
The Student Support Services & Special Education Department is supported by:
Sylvia Topete, Secretary
(626) 652-4981
Alexis Macuil, Clerk
(626) 652-4981
Federal and state laws require the district to identify, locate, and assess all children from birth through 21 years of age, who may have disabilities, ensuring that they receive the necessary programs and services. Mountain View School District is a member of the West San Gabriel Valley SELPA and, in partnership with 13 districts, provides services to students from birth to eighth grade. These services are provided based on the unique needs of each child, as outlined in an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Parents are essential members of the IEP team and play a crucial role in their child’s education.
This website is dedicated to supporting families by providing clear information about these processes, helping you actively engage in your child’s educational journey, and ensuring that your voice is heard.
The Mountain View School District is committed to offering eligible students with disabilities a free and appropriate public education (FAPE), in line with state and federal requirements.
According to the California Education Code (56031), Special Education is defined as:
"Specifically designed instruction, at no cost to the parent, to meet the unique needs of individuals with exceptional needs whose educational needs cannot be met with modification of the general instructional program, and related services at no cost to the parent, which may be needed to assist such individuals to benefit from specially designed instruction."
Special Education is a vital part of the public education system. It aims to foster inclusion by promoting meaningful interaction between children with disabilities and typically developing peers, in a way that meets the needs of both groups.
In the Mountain View School District, Special Education services are available to children ages 3 through eighth grade who qualify under the laws and regulations of the California Education Code and the Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Additionally, infants and toddlers (0-3 years old) who are deaf, hard of hearing, have orthopedic impairments, or have visual impairments may qualify for services through our West San Gabriel Valley SELPA member districts.
Children with disabilities may require Special Education services in addition to, or different from, the general education program. Special Education provides tailored instruction, utilizing adapted teaching methods, materials, and equipment to meet each child’s needs. Wherever possible, students are educated in general education settings, ensuring they have access to the same opportunities as their typically developing peers.
At the Mountain View School District, we believe that families are key partners in the educational process. By working together, we can ensure that each child receives the support they need to succeed academically and socially. We are here to provide resources, guidance, and advocacy as you navigate this journey with your child.
SELPA Local Plan
The Mountain View School District belongs to the West San Gabriel Valley Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) with other individual districts, including the Los Angeles County Office of Education. Although the majority of students are served within our district, there are a number of regionalized programs operated by individual districts within our SELPA.
2024-25 West San Gabrial Valley SELPA Local Plan - Approved July 22, 2024
Parent Resources
West San Gabrial Valley SELPA
San Gabrial Pomona Regional Center