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Online Student Enrollment

Online Student Enrollment

Before beginning the enrollment of your child, we wanted to make you aware of the following:

  • Click on the Online Frequently Asked Questions and see if your question can be answered
  • Make sure you have an email address and know how to access your emails
  • Gather all of the documents before you begin the enrollment process
  • Make sure you know which school your child will attend
  • If you want your child to attend a different school, complete the registration process and obtain a permit from your home school
  • The system allows you to stop and continue at any time during the enrollment process
  • Once you complete the online portion of the enrollment make sure to bring in all of the necessary documents to the office.
  • Click here to view MVSD Educational Programs.


We hope you have a good experience enrolling your child in our District.   

Immunization Information: 
TK–12th Grade Immunization Requirements

Personal Beliefs Exemptions FAQs


Transitional Kindergarten is offered at most elementary schools. Please complete the following Transitional Kinder Form and return it to the school. 

To enroll your child in Transitional Kinder, log on to our Aeries Online Portal.

You will need to have an email to create an account to start the enrollment process.


Kinder is offered at most elementary schools. Students are required to have a health assessment before entering school. Click on the Kinder Entry Requirements form for more information. 

Please download and complete the following forms required by California law: 

Oral Health Assessment Form

Formulario de evaluación de la salud bocal

Dual Language Immersion Program: For more information regarding this program offered at Parkview Elementary and Payne Elementary, please:


Download and Complete the Parental Request Form.

To enroll your child in Kinder, log on to our Aeries Online Portal.

You will need to have an email to create an account to start the enrollment process.


In addition to Transitional Kinder and Kinder, the Mountain View School District offers Grades 1 to 8. As with all new students, you will be required to submit additional information in person at the school.

To enroll your child, log on to our Aeries Online Portal.

Please note the following:


Students who are enrolling for the first time in the District will be required to present the following documentation to the school site after they have completed the first step of the registration.

  • Proof of address (Utility Receipts: Gas/ Electric/ Water/ Property Tax Receipt/ Monthly Mortgage Statement/ Rental Agreement)
  • Proof of age (Birth Certificate (Original or Certified copy)/ County Recorder's written statement certifying the date of birth (has county seal)/ Passport/ Affidavit of Parent / Guardian)
  • Health/Immunization Records
  • Special Education paperwork (RSP, SDC, Speech) or 504 documents
  • Court documents - if applicable

The Mountain View School District has a uniform policy.  See policy here: School Uniform Guidelines.

For those students who are continuing to attend school in the Mountain View School District, you will be required to: 

  1. Verify current information
  2. Complete and update all necessary information
  3. Electronically sign the necessary documents

Please log on to our Aeries Parent Portal Online to access your account and complete this process. 

To determine which school your child is to attend visit our MVSD MySchool Locator page.


Click to Enroll Your Child on our Aeries Portal